Monday, September 27, 2004

No hablo the español...yet

Another great Guatemala website by some of the residents in Charlotte

Today we started Spanish school. Our teachers (Sylvia and Catalina) are very good. We took an initial test for placement. Branson was placed in the beginner book and Cristy is in the next placement up. Branson decided to quit the test around page 2 because it was utterly futile. Consequently, he couldn't understand much of what Dana commented in the previous post...but thanks anyway.

Our family only speaks Spanish, so we are learning very quickly! There is a priest from Boston staying with our family also. He has been her for one month (of 4 months total) and is helping us get around. The city is so quaint and colorful!

We also met several folks from America, Europe, and Australia who have retired here. They gave us some tips and said they have had no problem with safety. (Although we will be ultra careful!) We will always be home before dark (dinner is served at 630pm), so this will also help.

As for the shaking dog...we will feed him as many nachos as we can get our hands on. In fact, it's possible that he's going through some sort of withdrawal to something, hence the shaking. I doubt it's anything illegal since he's a dog and probably can't get his paws on stuff like that. We'll see if he perks up with some queso and salsa.

We are wearing our bug spray, watching carefully for potential dangerous situations, and staying together at all times, so please have peace that we are okay.


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