Sunday, September 26, 2004

We made it!!

We made it safely to Antigua, Guatemala! It´s beautiful here. The cobblestone streets are very charming and there is a spanish school or European hotel around every corner. It didn´t take us long to find our first internet cafe.

When we were dropped off at our family´s house (where we´ll be staying for the duration of the 4 weeks), they came right out and greeted us with open arms! Very warm and friendly. They only speak to us in Spanish, but they do so slowly and try to teach us with every conversation. Of course, Cristy does most of the talking at this point while I stand off to the side and say, "Gracias...bien...gracias...ok". It´s a good system so far.

We have our own room and bathroom with two double beds. We even have toilet paper! There´s a tiny little dog (looks like the Taco Bell dog) named Calicia. She´s so small that she constantly vibrates to stay warm (not that it´s cold here...and don´t worry mothers, we won´t touch the dog).

The mother is named Hilda and the father is Magno (we think). There´s also a 1 year old baby named Andre in the house...that´s all we know so far.

The school is a block away and we start at 8am tomorrow after breakfast with the Perez family (our host family).

So adios for now! We´re off for las cervezas (wearing our bugspray, of course)!


At September 26, 2004 at 4:17 PM, Blogger stickyheels said...

Yay!! I'm sure its beautiful there! Can't wait to hear how your first day goes... Ten divertida anoche! :D


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