Sunday, October 03, 2004

Thanks Becca!!

Many thanks to my sister Becca for helping us out with posting our pictures to the blog! Hope you enjoy.

To answer some of your questions: There actually isn't a doctor running the clinic we're in. It's a nurse and family nurse practitioner. But they do the best they can. Every few weeks a Guatemalan doctor or foreign dentist will come to help out. But the missionaries found that the Guatemalan docs were usually pretty crooked...stealing supplies, lying about things, etc. So they try not to rely on them too much. The patients don't pay anything. They try to pay with food and small items but it's not required. The missionaries usually pay for everything themselves. And when the patients need special tests or attention at the hospital, the missionaries pay for it. Only by the grace of God are they able to continue going, but year after year they find a way.

Keep us in your prayers! They're working so far because we're having a blast!!!


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